Tässä on teille tälläinen pikainen päivitys, minulla ei ole aikaa laittaa enempää. On tuossa teille kuitenkin jonkin verran luettavaa ja katsottavaa.

Pojat ovat kirjoittaneet uuden blogin, jossa he kertovat mm. Kevini syntymäpäivän vietosta.

Hey everyone!

There has been so much happening recently. We have been working on the new show (JONAS), recording music, doing a few shows, etc.

This week was Kevin’s birthday so we took the last day to celebrate his birthday with family, the band, and a few friends. It is so awesome to stop and appreciate all that has happened to us because of all of you.

We are writing this from the beach…doing nothing! First time we have stopped in a while. Can’t get better than this. We are already feeling refreshed.

Thanks for all the positive comments on the Skating special yesterday. Also, thanks for the amazing response to our little SayNow message. Thinking we will be sending even more.

Most of all…thanks for all the support and love.

You are the best fans in the world!

Kevin, Joe and Nick

Pojat ovat esiintyneet Kristi Yamaguchi Friends & Familyssä, ja tässä videoita sieltä.

Performing On the Line with Demi Lovato:

Burnin’ Up:

A Little Bit Longer:

Nick is an inspiration:

Denise, Kevin, and Nick talking diabetes:

Tässä vielä pari kuvaa Disney paraatista.

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[ Thanks KevinJonasOnline & Joe-Jonas.com ]